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Getting Help

Are you ready to rediscover life without pain?

You’re tired of being ground down by the constant presence of pain and the unpleasant side effects of the pain medicine your doctor prescribes. You’ve watched the Healing Quest segment on the NeuroBehavioral Pain Management Program, you’ve downloaded our free guide containing mind-body tips for pain relief, and you’ve decided you’d like to reach out even more to give our program a try. If you’re thinking our program might have something to offer you, here’s what to expect.

When you enter our Pain Management Program, you’re assigned to a certified NeuroBehavioral Programs practitioner who knows about pain and how it affects your concentration, mood, and outlook. Your “pain management coach” is not only sensitive to your pain history but also upbeat and fun to work with.

In just three individual sessions with your practitioner, you learn to turn off pain using a simple command. You also learn to manage stress, anger, sadness, and worry. Practicing your new skills between sessions builds the neuronal networks that will eventually bring you nearly automatic symptom relief in the final stage of the program.

  1. In the initial training session, you learn how the mind and body can work together in reducing pain, stress, and negative emotions. Having you use a 0-to-10 scale to rate symptoms, the practitioner shows you, step by step, how to turn down the experience of these symptoms to a 0 level. The process is completely automatic and requires no conscious effort.
  2. In the second session, you learn to give direct commands to your body with an easily memorized procedure, bypassing the steps you’ve previously mastered. This procedure aims at rapid relief and can be done in busy or distracting environments.
  3. In the final session, you learn to directly intend symptom relief using one simple, silent command: “I want my pain to go to zero!” You can even use this silent command while you’re on the phone or going about your daily tasks. Symptom relief can then last for hours, and frequently days, before you need to repeat the command.

Training sessions can be done in person or by telephone. You receive a Companion Manual that includes an audio CD, which you use between training sessions for effective pain management at home. If your results vary at all, you can call your practitioner and receive assistance over the telephone.

If you’re ready to give our program a try or if you have questions about it, we invite you to contact us for a free fifteen-minute consultation.